Beyond the Aching Door Book Box

We're so excited that you've received your Beyond the Aching Door Book Box! This is a spoiler-free look at what you received in your box. To learn more about how the items relate to the story, once you've read the book be sure to check out our Pages & Playlist deep dive podcast (episodes go live at the end of each month)!

Here's what's inside your book box:

Beyond the Aching Door by Victoria Mier
Signed bookplate
Curated playlist with author selected songs
Garden notebook by BV Designs
Lavender Earl Grey Tea by Tea with Tae
Dark green velvet book sleeve
Ornate key bookmark
Luna moth sticker
Endless aching sticker
Star crossed sticker
ANGST theme pen
Matching annotation tabs
Book club guide / book journal prompts
Digital backgrounds (hold down photo to save):
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